Waiting is the name of the game right now. The owners of the house we are purchasing have not yet found a house. We check email a dozen times during the day, just in case, maybe they found one and there is an email that will generate some sort of time frame for our life to move on.
Otherwise, all is good and we are staying out of trouble:) That's easy enough, right?? The boys are doing good. Hans is working on his third tooth (first one on the top) so he has been a bit more fussy, but still quite good. Ethan is growing in stature and creativity. I am always amazed by what comes out of his mouth next! Today we were outside picking spinach in the garden and he had to continually check the asparagus. That is one of the latest things; checking the asparagus to see if we can cut it yet! Yesterday he helped me pick some and HE informed me which ones we should cut and which ones were not yet big enough.
Tractors and farm equipment have replaced diggers (construction equipment) as the source of fascination. We see more tractors than diggers up here:) He is quickly learning all of the names and uses. Now it is "Mommy, you drive the corn planter tractor and I will drive the tractor with the disk." Yes, yes we will raise him to be a farmer yet. He's got the genes!

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