The holidays are over and we had a great time. We were healthy and enjoyed a busy, but fun week. After Christmas we traveled to PA to celebrate Christmas with my family and then after a brief visit we returned to NY to be a part of Earon and Bryan's wedding. Now that all the celebrating is over is feels kind of odd to return to regular life. There are a lot of pictures in this post. There are no wedding pictures because I didn't take my camera. There was too much to keep track of and Bethany was the photographer, so I know I can get some really good pictures once she has everything processed:)

Ethan practicing Christmas Eve

Ethan as Joseph (these photos courtesy of Bethany)

He he, Hans took a chance to re-arrange the props:)

Christmas morning

Anya and her new girl toys:)

The Millers came later in the day on Christmas and we all enjoyed the rest of the day.
Pictures thanks to Bethany:)

Christmas morning part II at Grandma Martin's house.

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