Anya has entered the world of solid food. As of this evening I don't know if she has actually digested any yet, but we do our part by putting the stuff in her mouth! She tolerates it well. The boys continue to do well and are great big brothers.
I am doing well. I continue to feel fine. On Friday I went to see a surgeon and he quickly told me I have gallstones and inflammation and I need surgery to remove my gall bladder! Whhaaaa!?!?! I left there a little shell shocked. I have yet to schedule the surgery. With Anya still nursing and me still having a bunch of questions about my "condition" I want to take some time and get a second opinion before I lose an organ. We are praying for healing and for wisdom and taking one step at a time. I spoke to my Dr. today and they are going to arrange an appointment with a second surgeon. Hopefully this appointment will be more educational. We greatly appreciate your prayers at this time. In the midst of it I am very thankful I have no pain or discomfort. I am able to go about my normal routine. We will keep you posted!
Meanwhile, here are some photos!

The big cereal event!

mmmm, er, maybe . .

Hans: he has the guitar, the moves and the dimples to be a front man, WATCH OUT!!

Sunday afternoon: Introducing Anya to the finer points of decorating and gardening.