The bi-annual Martin family trip to the cabin has come and gone. It was so good to see everyone and actually have time to talk to people beyond the one paragraph synopsis of what happened in the last 3 months. I love my family! Every last blessed one of them! It is so wonderful to be a part of such a gracious, kind, fun loving group of people, where there are no spats, no people who avoid each other, and no ongoing feuds! All the children and grandchildren are here and accounted for, living godly, responsible lives. No rebels or divorces; such peace and unity. It is a rare thing for which I am very grateful. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for investing your prayers and lives on our behalf, we have you to thank for our rich heritage and happy family.

Jourdan and Anya

Matt, Danny, Ben and Alex

Ethan saying good-bye to the crayfish

Hans playing a mean round of croquet

Dad with his grandsons:)

All of the cousins!

Grandpa and Grandma Martin
"All because two people fell in love . . "

Oh the simple pleasures! Sack races!