Hello! We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. We took it easy and enjoyed time at home. I am still recovering and get tired out very easily. The pain medicine keeps me pain free so I am mostly comfortable. Everything is healing well. I got the staples and the drain out last week. It is very nice to be free of those things.
Earon and Becky came down Good Friday and helped the boys paint eggs and do an egg hunt. Sunday we rested in the morning and went to the Miller Easter family dinner in the afternoon. It was good to get out and amongst other people.
This week Jeremiah is back at work full time and we have friends and family coming to spend the day with me and help me out. I am not enough up to snuff to manage the house and the kids on my own. I am very thankful to be really and steadily recovering though. It is a great relief.
I want to thank everyone for your prayers and cards and notes, etc. It is so encouraging. I appreciate it all.

Anya, 7 months old and sitting

Hans helping with eggs

Anya and Daddy


Jeremiah, Earon, and Becky

"smell this one Becky . . "

Happy boy:)


there they are!



Ethan and Hans Easter Sunday

Me and the kids Easter Sunday